My first review... Coffee House Angel, by Suzanne Selfors. A book, not a T.V. show or movie like I said earlier. I think I forgot to say that I'm also planning on reviewing books. I'm not very good at it so far, but I guess that's why I'm doing this.
This has been the first book I have read that hasn't been school related in the past 6 months. Me and my mom where going to the book store, and I saw the coffee on the book, and I was just like "Yum.". My book cover is different, it doesn't have the heart, just the foam covering the coffee.
Incase you can't figure out by the title and the picture on the cover, it's a romance book, a girl and a boy (or rather angel). The angel part is litteral, not mediphoric. It's a sweet, light, read, nothing heavy, not too long. I really liked it, but it didn't really make me feel. I did read it all through French class instead of watching Cinderella in French. Never watch Cinderella in French, the voices are just creepy. And we didn't get the English subtitles. We didn't even get the French subtitles.
This book was almost a pretty typical angel consept. Or it's getting to be. So, she gives him (Malcom) a cup of coffee, because she see's him sitting outside her grandmother's coffee shop, and thinks he's a hobo (or later a drunk collage student). But it turns out he's... you guessed it, an angel. Or rather a messanger.
The book was left on kind of an open end, I could see a sequil. I could also see it being a novel. But fear not, series lovers, it's not a book that will hold your thoughts for an annoying amout of time afterwords, like some novels where they are annoying you for days. I give it a 3.5 out of 5. It was a nice book to start with to ease my way back inot reading.
Here's the link to buy it on amazon:
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